Alogea iPhone screen shots
Click on an image to see details
The Time Line showing the entire diary
The Time Line with extended pop up Menu
Rating a symptom with numerical scale (0-10)
Rating a symtom with facial visual analogue scale
Toggling display option in Time Line
See details in the Time Leine
Recording an event
Chosing a time to record an event or symptom score
Time Line in landscape - see more
The new Medicines List view
Entering medicine doses
Medication reminders
Medication summary and analysis
Symptom and Medicines Report
Exporting/ Printing your medicine history list
Analysis of symptom change for one medicine
List of diary entries
Detailed Diary entry view
Diary event list and detail view and larger devices
Settings options
Login protection option using password
The Exercise assistant and tracker, in light and dark mode.
Exercise achievements chart