EAZY Fractions

A basic fractions calculator

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EAZY Fractions
Version 1.6
  • numbers up to 1000 (-1000 to +1000)
  • more convenient options to enter numbers and fractions in one go
  • option to convert a single improper fraction
  • direct in-app access to instructions and help web page (internet link and download required)
  • minor graphical changes
Version 1.5
  • you can now enter decimals with up two digits into the large “integer” field
  • automatic conversion of your decimals to a fraction displayed in the calculation field
  • the result is now also displayed as a decimal for further convenience
  • enhanced user interface
If you are a fractions genius you may need not this App - but it may still be useful to quickly check your own results.

Does what it says - adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides fractions including integers, and negative fractions. Simple and quick calculation of multiple fractions. Current limit of six fractions per calculation and integers, numerators and denominators smaller than 100 - but who needs bigger numbers anyway.

For all mums and dads who want to quickly check their kids fractions homework - here is the EAZY solution to save time and headaches.

Are LCM and GCD causing you headaches? If so, then...

...KIDS: you need to learn anyway, but EAZY Fractions will help you check that the results of your hard work are correct.

...ADULTS: don’t worry, those maths days will have passed for most, and now there are other things to worry about. EAZY Fractions will help you out.

Currently available in English language version only - but EAZILY understandable to all talking the MATHS language.

EAZY Fractions - presented by appToolFactory.
check out Eazy Fractions 2 with advanced functions too